A Temazcal Ceremony

I wasn’t even sure if the place existed.  I’d been wanting to try a Temazcal sweat bath (of pre-Hispanic Mexican fame) ever since I’d read about them, but the one I’d located on google maps seemed to be in a very strange place—on a hilltop in a middle-of-nowhere town and up a rather rough dirt road.  IContinue reading “A Temazcal Ceremony”

Agra India and the Taj Mahal

Our 5-hour train ride to Agra turned into a 7-hour train ride (apparently a very common thing in India), but we felt we couldn’t go to India and not experience its famous railway system. The other passengers were very curious and friendly since most foreigners opt to ride in the nicer private cabins instead ofContinue reading “Agra India and the Taj Mahal”

Beyond Bangkok

(Touring the north of Thailand) After exploring Bangkok for a few days, we rented a car and headed north. Driving in Thailand was a somewhat harrowing experience with few observed road rules and driving on the left side of the road. Apparently Thailand is the 3rd most dangerous country in the world to drive in, butContinue reading “Beyond Bangkok”

6 Things to do in Northern Ireland

We flew into Belfast on a rainy afternoon in August. From what I understand and have experienced of the Emerald Isle, most afternoons are rainy. We were there to teach aerial silks workshops during an annual festival in Belfast, but we found time throughout the week to get some exploring in and visited some ofContinue reading “6 Things to do in Northern Ireland”

Traveling in Scandinavia on a Budget

It’s no secret that Scandinavia is one of the world’s most expensive travel destinations. I mean, $25 for a hamburger…and that’s without the side of fries? When Chris and I decided to take a trip to Norway enroute to our teaching gig in Ireland, I knew we were going to have to do some researchContinue reading “Traveling in Scandinavia on a Budget”

Things to See Road Tripping in Colombia

We could see green hills rising with slums interspursed on the outskirts of Cartagena, Colombia, as we flew in. I wondered what Colombia would be about. I’d heard a lot about drug cartels and sensuous dancing, but really didn’t know much beyond that. The road trip we’d planned, deep into the heart of the country,Continue reading “Things to See Road Tripping in Colombia”

Best Tips for Road Trips to Mexico

Chris and I have done several road trips to different parts of Mexico, covering just about the whole country by this point. Partially in search of the perfect taco, partially just because we love Mexico and getting off the beaten path, we’ve spent hours and hours and thousands of miles driving the country. So, havingContinue reading “Best Tips for Road Trips to Mexico”

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