
The Traveling Acrobats

Our Adventure Log

The Secrets of Seacacar Canyon

I wasn’t quite sure what we were getting ourselves into as we parked next to the small cement building, painted green and white, in the middle of the Guatemalan jungle. We’d offered to help Paul, a friend back in Colorado, look in on his decade-long humanitarian venture in very rural Guatemala and he’d taken us…

A Temazcal Ceremony

I wasn’t even sure if the place existed.  I’d been wanting to try a Temazcal sweat bath (of pre-Hispanic Mexican fame) ever since I’d read about them, but the one I’d located on google maps seemed to be in a very strange place—on a hilltop in a middle-of-nowhere town and up a rather rough dirt road.  I…

Tips for Packing Light

Most of the time, if we’re going on a trip longer than about 10 days, we’ll go ahead and check bigger bags and take more of the stuff we’ll need for the adventure. Sometimes though, for various reasons, we’ve found ourselves wanting to keep it to carry-ons, even for longer trips. This desire inherently brings…

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