Wild Hot Springs in the Southwest

One of our favorite past times is searching out and enjoying wild hot springs and, fortunately for us, there are quite a few in the southwest US, close to where we live. Some are right by main roads and some require quite a hike in. We’ve compiled a list of our top 5 favorites thatContinue reading “Wild Hot Springs in the Southwest”

Things to do in The Copper Canyon

(Of Creel and Barrancas del Cobre) Barrancas del Cobre, or the Copper Canyon, is one of northern Mexico’s most fascinating areas, yet also one of the places visited least frequently. I found it more beautiful and striking than the Grand Canyon in AZ and definitely more culturally engaging. The Copper Canyon was our second bigContinue reading “Things to do in The Copper Canyon”

Touring the Black and White Deserts

The Western Desert is definitely off the beaten path as far as touring Egypt goes. It takes 4-5 hours to get from Cairo to Bahariya (the main village), by bus. We booked cheap and traveled by local bus which made for a very cramped, smelly, and long ride. The scenery along the way isn’t much: aContinue reading “Touring the Black and White Deserts”

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